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4 min read
The Power of Podcasting
In the dynamic world of sports, athletes have discovered a new avenue to connect with their fans, build their personal brand, and share...

3 min read
The Impact of Community Involvement on Athlete Branding
In today's digital age, athletes have a unique opportunity to connect with fans and shape their personal brand through social...

4 min read
How to post consistently on social media
If you are looking for tips on how to grow on social media, one of the answers is to post consistently. But what does that really mean?...

5 min read
Personal branding for introverts
Is personal branding also for introverts? Yes, it's for everyone! In this blog, we tell you why and give you tips on how to build your brand

3 min read
The Sponsorship Funnel
Sponsorships are an important part of income in football. For most clubs, it is one of the most important streams of revenue. But not...

4 min read
The 5 C’s of Personal Branding
In today’s world, you have to stand out. But in order to stand out, you have to stand for something. A successful personal brand is...

4 min read
Strategies to improve fan engagement
Fans are very important to football players. Improving your engagement with them can be a great benefit.

3 min read
Athlete Brand Analysis - Trinity Rodman
Trinity Rodman is an outstanding player on and off the pitch. In this article, we analyse her athlete brand.

4 min read
Benefits of personal branding for athletes
As an athlete, you might have heard the term ‘personal branding’ several times. Maybe you haven’t really thought about it, or think you...

Ireneo Snel
3 min read
Why a website is important for your personal branding
10 reasons why a website is important for your personal branding.
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